Opening Hours

Regular Opening & Closing Schedule

Opening Schedule

    • Sunday : 8:00 AM -5:30 PM
    • Monday : 8:00 AM -5:30 PM
    • Tuesday : 8:00 AM -5:30 PM
    • Wednesday : 8:00 AM -5:30 PM
    • Thursday : 8:00 AM -5:30 PM
    • Friday : 8:00 AM -5:30 PM
    • Saturday : 9:00 AM -12:30 PM

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इटहरी सामुदायिक आखाँ उपचार केन्द्रमा शल्यक्रिया सुरु

About Us

The incidence of blindness is highest in the eastern region of the country(RAAB Survey). Blindness is more prevalent among the economically underprivileged Population of the society. Trained human resource and infrastructural facilities for eye care is very scanty in the eastern region. The per capita income of the inhabitants of the eastern region is below the national average. Hence,  huge number of patients with ocular diseases continue to suffer either Due to non-availability of appropriate treatment or due to economic reason. This has also resulted in an exodus of patient to different states for the treatment of their ocular diseases

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Founder of Ramlal Golchha Eye Hospital

Ram Lal Golcha

Our Services & Programs

For four decades, Ramlal Golchha Eye Hospital Foundation has been synonymous with unwavering excellence in eye care, pioneering advancements that have transformed lives and illuminated countless futures. With a legacy steeped in compassion and a commitment to cutting-edge medical practices, our foundation stands as a beacon of hope, offering a diverse array of services and programs tailored to the unique needs of our patients.

At the heart of our commitment lies a dedication to providing world-class eye surgeries, and our expertise shines brightly in the realm of cataract surgeries conducted through modern phaco techniques. These state-of-

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41 Years In Eye Care Service


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